Glenshore’s Chief Executive Amine Laouedj has been invited to attend the 2019 GITEX Technology Week, GITEX Global Investors Summit (G2i), and the GITEX Future Stars, from 6-10 October in the Dubai World Trade Centre (UAE).
Glenshore will be attending the Turing Fest on 1-2 August 2018 in Edinburgh (United Kingdom), one of the most important international Tech gathering in the United Kingdom.
Glenshore will be attending the London FinTech Week 2018 on 6-13 July 2018, a series of conferences and exhibitions with London's key influencers and decision makers.
Glenshore Chief Executive Amine Laouedj will be attending The 2018 EIE Conference and Awards Dinner, Scotland's world class technology investor event, on 19 April 2018 in Edinburgh.
Glenshore will be attending Private Investors International Forum 2018 in Dubai (UAE), a special elite forum intended for key players in the field of investment from Europe and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).